Sunday, November 19, 2006

content focus now tech solved

Tim and Ryan 2 1/2 years of videocasting. video blogging

Bored of I am here. Now time to stories.

Distributed productions. Prof.s work in a team.

Baghdad video blog, team from across the world. Daily life of an Iraqi. Brain Connelley, brought cameras to Iraq. Won 7 vloggies. Going to be on CNN.

How do they do/create he show.

WIKI e.g. pbwiki organise project, work flow, story ideas, whole, screen cast every step.
And yahoo groups,
stingexpress file sharing tools and private group to exchange files.

People write comments, and net result is whole lot better than do yourself.

What to effect change? Help that process. Allow to compete with main stream.

Cool. exchange over cultrual (country boundries more mental barriers.).

Business model, donations driven at present.

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