Sunday, October 22, 2006

Saturday in San Francisco

SF bay view, originally uploaded by ecotorch.

Inspired and lead on by one of our Mountain View Masters swimmers we headed for a day in San Francisco. The enthusiasm for how hot it would be in the City. I wasn't so sure in it being warm in SF, as I have never found it to be so all through the summer, but I was proven wrong big time. The weather was hot, the hottest day I have ever spent in San Francisco, 21 Oct and 28C, was gussed at.

The day started off with lunch at one of the Peir Markets, then the hunt was on for some height. And as the photo shows, we found some. Then we walked north through China town on the pursuit of some chocolate and icecream. Which we found, delicious. Then we headed back into the City Center for a plate of garlic chips and a relaxing beer. A fun day out with friends.

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