Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Craigendinnie Hill Trees growing tall

The hill was cut bare, the tree saplins were inches high when planted, years add on, knee high, shoulder to shoulder and now way over my head.

Image012, originally uploaded by ecotorch.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

all the greens and noise quiet

Deeside is full of all the colour greens of the world right now. And the whole valley is full of quietness, well relative so silicon valley.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

aboynejames back home trip 4

Image064, originally uploaded by ecotorch.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

best trip

This is my fourth trip to Silicon Valley and by far the best. Last year was all about putting out the vision: lifestyle linking, learning and meeting people. The most notable difference with this trip is that people I had not met last year but had seen me demo or heard me talk would come up and ask how we are getting on. That provided much positive energy to our venture.

Mountain View is a great place to live, my 'Aboyne' of Silicon Valley. I have swam and trained more on this trip, still not consistent but enough for me to compete in a master short course championships and my first ever competitive open water swim. Not every thing went to plan but you learn and let the vision guide you forward.

All the above is possible because of the great people I have met and now call friends from co-founders, entrepreneurs, swimmers, co-workers, event organisers, people that have listen to me pitch, and many more. Thank you all for making my time here the best.


no.1 word used to describe on this trip to silicon valley.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Lake Berryessa Open Water Swim

Image008, originally uploaded by ecotorch.

Friday, June 01, 2007

the great health mashup

I attended a Stanford healthcare event last week, the guest speaker pointed out the importance of the mix of people present, medicine, engineering and computer science. This is great to see and many other participants are required, the food industry, pharma, biotech, fits, wellbeing, car, travel etc etc. The great health mashup is required to re-purpose the economy on life.

We created healthcamp to help in getting those conversation going.

smiling on the streets

I was walking towards downtown San Franciso yesterday when a girl passed running, in a skipping motion, clearly in a hurry. Ahead was a homeless man, street coloured. As the girl approached he extended his had in slow motion. But just quick enough for the girl to high five his palm. Watching this brought a smile to my face. One character full of the beans, one in shock of the speed of what had just happened.

p3, s3 and WAR as a constant

I have taken in a couple of movies in the last three weeks. The third episode of Siperman and Pirates of the C. S3 wasn't as good as the other two, however, P3 was better than P2. However, what has taken me is the constant theme of war in movies right now, the trailers are full of battles, the ad's were of real war and new releases will focus on war.

His Dark Materials, will launch in December, with The Northlights for us UK readers, The golden compass or something like that for the US. Why the name change, will lords of the rings, ring gold, gold compass. Some producers behind both films. Looks like they are making a good adaptation of the book.

War theme, I have also been reading more history than usual. War is a constant happen there too. Are we bound to follow this trend. Inevitable?