Monday, August 17, 2009

The Lochnagar Collection - Paul Anderson

Last night Paul Anderson launch his second book of Scots Fiddle tunes, The Lochnagar Collection. Paul invited family and friends to gather at the MacRobert's Hall, the Square, Tarland. The evening started with the finest Piping from Jimmy, heart warming bothy ballad singing by Shona and the evening concluded with dazzling fiddle playing from Paul.

The Lochnagar Collection, originally uploaded by ecotorch.

The book contains 308 Scots fiddle tunes all bar two composed by Paul, his brother David Anderson adding those (page 43 he pointed that out out for me). In addition to the many cracking tunes the book includes many photos and stories about the tunes that brings extra character to the publication. Paul also includes an informative introduction including 'A rough guide to the Scots fiddle' which I have just started to read.

Many hours (years!) of fiddle practice ahead for me as I fiddle my way through the pages. A CD entitled, 'Home and Beauty' was also released with the book. The Press and Journal also has a piece on the book release today.