Sunday, September 19, 2010

CharityHack presentations

1. mobile webapp for scan in quirk icons

2. Volunteer Report Card (team I was part of)

3. Mobile app of recognising change, adding it up and making a donation

4. pre approved payments, all platforms single sigin on arcross devices track plus api for charity or developers

5. mobile swear app to give to charity and chuggr little game text adventure, avoid chuddr

6. pitchinin for artist to unlock or release content once enough of the community have donated to the profile.

7. aggregating amounts for a whole event ie adds up the donations of all the volutneer for a particular event

8. rollcall mobile app. eg. list of kids on a school trip

9. internet shock like online version of through sponges at people at a country fayre.

10. improving donation forms capturing data behind the scenes

11. biggive take out reason that stop people giving on the street. Hostile profile, each homeless person, hit list what they want/need e.g. food to haircut

12. charitybox browser extention buy e-commerce links and converts to affiliate lists, so the charity get the commission on the affiliate link.

13. feel good confess your sins

14. trainwreck remote control train and move train by donating

15. e.g. maps real time a runner ie. marathon api mashup

16. wegive aggregate friends round a charity twist, challenge friends to add more, make it sort of a social game

17. mycharity aggregates your charity twitter followers in a list, links to donations


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