Wednesday, September 06, 2006

un-education = Accepted

What happens when you open source education, give it the barcamp treatment? Well, the film Accepted.

This movie could easily be just consumed as a 'US teen movie' but I feel and hope it's core messages are taken to heart. I equate our current education systems to a factory. There to manage children's information needs. As the films says, why don't we listen to the children, what do they want to learn? Children are serious about their dreams and ambitions, that is what drives their passion. The benefit to the community is that we all get to share in their successes when they are given the opportunity and freedom to pursue them.

Maybe the next barcamp grid will be a colorful as the one in the movie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just came across you from Tara Hunt. There's a burgeoning community of web 2.0-ers in Scotland from the education sector (arguably more than from the private sector) and their work is giving students more voice in the direction of their education than ever. Head over to my blog for some examples or check out those on

Looking forward to seeing if we might have some common ground.